Aim, Shoot and Demolish
Angry Birds is undoubtedly one of the biggest games to ever grace the mobile platforms. Starting on iOS devices, it soon moved to Android, tablets, consoles and PC's. With over 500 million downloads, the series has so far seen over 400 billion birds launched at those pesky pigs.
But why is it such a phenomenon? The game itself has a simple idea. You are given a set of birds and your aim is to launch them from a catapult at the pig's fortress, defeating the little green critters. But it is nowhere near as easy as it sounds. There is challenge. You have to work out which birds work best for each surface you come to face. Some birds may be better suited to take down the wood, others might be best for stone.

It is addictive. On each level, you can earn up to a maximum of three stars, based on the amount of points you achieve. The less birds you use to take down the structures and take out the pigs, the higher your score. You also get more points based on the amount of damage you incur.
So, it soon becomes a case of working out the best way to go about this, be it through trial and error, or more clever means. You can try and find the weak spots in a structure. Logically think about the effect of the birds and the best way to attack the fortress. Experiment with angles from which to shoot the birds. Use the birds in creative ways. There are so many possibilities.

The graphics work well with the simplistic concept. It features a cartoon style, whose colours and illustrations are aesthetically pleasing and fun. It is clean, smart and runs smoothly. It loads quickly and runs without hitch.
If the main game wasn't enough to keep you entertained, there is the side task of finding the golden eggs. These are scattered throughout the ever-growing levels of the game and you can unlock extra bonus levels when you find them. There are also plenty of achievements to earn.

Is the hype around Angry Birds deserved? In short, yes. The game is awesomely addictive, with plenty of levels to keep you on your feet and entertained. It is constantly being updated, making it amazing value for money and definitely worth a download.